3 Tips To Help You Deal With Postpartum Shedding

So, with my baby being 4 months old, I’ve hit, ran full smack into natural hair postpartum shedding. Ugh! For those who may not know, after you have a baby most women go through postpartum shedding. This is when your natural hair comes… no FALLS, out. I’m not trying to scare you…it’s really that bad. My natural hair is shedding in clumps. I shed about a full cup of hair each detangling session. I’ve come to accept the shedding and even have some tips to help others deal with postpartum shedding.

From what I’ve gathered, there isn’t much you can do to lessen or stop postpartum shedding. It’s supposedly a side effect of the hormonal change that occurs after giving birth. So like I said, I just manage it the best way I can until it stops.


Here’s how I manage postpartum shedding:

1. Keep It Simple

Find a a style you like and stick with it, all week or until wash day. The more you manipulate your hair, the more shed hair will come out on your hands and clothes, thus reminding you or your condition. Just leave your hair alone. Right now is not the time to try new styles and be rigorous with your hair. Be gentle and patient.

2. Diligently Detangle

With so much shed hair, the number of tangles you get increases 100 fold. When you detangle, you need to be thorough or you will end up with locs, dreads, and matted hair. Right now is not the time to be afraid of pulling hair out. Get in there and get ‘er done from root to tip. I use the Beautique brush from Sally’s that is a replica of the Denman brush.

3. Wash Hair in Sections

If you co-wash during the week like I tend to, you need to make sure you do it in sections. When I would co-wash and then wet bun, my hair would be so matted. The shed hair would get tangled in my curls and it would just be a mess. So now I co-wash in 6-8 twists or braids and let my hair dry that way as well.

Hope this helps some of you!! If you have any questions leave them below!


The post 3 Tips To Help You Deal With Postpartum Shedding first appeared on Demetrion Ware.
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