How To Deep Condition Properly

Deep conditioning natural hair has got to be on just about every natural’s “Must Do” list. Deep conditioning hair can have many benefits, as it allows more water soluble nutrients to be absorbed into the hair strand due to the longer period of time you leave the product on your hair. But, did you know there is a right and a wrong way to deep condition hair? Here is a checklist on how to deep condition natural hair correctly.

1. Follow the product directions.

If the instructions say to leave on for 15-20 minutes, then an all night deep condition is not needed and the maximum benefit of the product to be reached.

2.Shampoo first.

Shampoo is made to rid your hair of dirt and oils, in other words it takes away. While conditioners “add on” nutrients to your hair. Although shampoos do not cleanse the inside of your hair shaft, they do or should rinse most things off the outside of your hair shaft. So, if you shampoo after your deep condition, you are rinsing off all of the oils, butters and other ingredients right down the drain.

3. Follow directions for heat usage.

Some deep conditioners work better with heat and some don’t so be sure to read the directions on the package.

4. Damp or dry hair is best.

Hair is like a sponge and can only absorb so much. If you deep condition on soaking wet hair, odds are you won’t get much of the deep conditioner inside the hair strand.

How do you deep condition? What are your DC tips?

The post How To Deep Condition Properly first appeared on Demetrion Ware.
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