How To Save Hundreds Of Dollars In Natural Hair Products
There are many benefits to being a “Do It Yourself” person when it comes to natural hair care. We all know making your own natural hair products can save you hundreds of dollars but, did you know that researching ingredients can save you just as much money if not more?
I know you’re probably thinking, how? read on…
Years ago wholesale information used to be top secret. Now, with the internet you can see exactly where leading brands are purchasing their bulk ingredients to make their natural hair products. Using this to your advantage saves you money helps you gauge how should cost to make a hair care product.
For example, a leave-in conditioner consists of 70-80% water with 20-30% being the herbs, conditioning ingredients, butters & oils. In a 8 oz. bottle of conditioner, that is less than .5-1 oz. of many of the ingredients.
So, even if you choose not to make your own products, some DIY research can keep you from over-spending and paying for pretty packaging! I can not tell you how many brands I don’t even consider after taking a quick look at the ingredients and comparing that to the retail price.
Like I always say, using natural products does not have to cost you a lot of money if you educate yourself!
For Hair, Body & Skin Care Shop: DIY Hair Care Products