How to Wash Natural Hair While Keeping Those Tangles at bay

How to Wash Natural Hair While Keeping Those Tangles at bay

“I’ve never had a problem with my hair re-tangling after a detangling session. So, when I initially read about the technique of twisting for washing, conditioning and deep conditioning, I didn’t think it was necessary or relevant for my curl pattern/texture.

However, several months ago, I started to twist my hair into four sections after applying a Deep Conditioner. Then, when I started pre-pooing and dry finger detangling, I started to twist my hair as I applied my pre-poo of choice.

Next, I started to twist my hair after I co-washed and detangled each section. Now, I use twists throughout my wash day routines. The reason I’ve done so is that I’ve found that the twists seem to prep my hair to retain TnC and twist out sets. I have about 4 different textures on my head (who doesn’t, right?) and this process of setting the twists seems to create a “memory” for my hair to follow that wave pattern.

See My Article on How To Deep Conditioner Properly Here:

However, I believe my TnC and twist-out sets have greatly improved in consistency of pattern, definition and hold from using twists throughout my wash session.”

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