Natural Hair Has It’s Ups and Downs
Here is some real deal “What You May Have To Expect When Going Natural” :
1. Water can still ruin a hair style.
Say what?! You mean I still won’t want to just jump in the pool and frolic in chlorine? Let’s be honest, if you didn’t like the rain while relaxed you won’t like it while natural. With the rain, water and even humidity comes frizz, shrinkage and if you’ve worked hard on a nice wash n go, braid out or other stretched style, you don’t want it getting messed up.
2. No such thing as a “wash n go”.
Yeah, you hear folks saying “I can just get up and fluff my fro and bounce…” Yeah, well for many of us, we have to do a bit more than that. A wash n go for 4a-b naturals consists of shingling, applying 2-3 products, gel, a diffuser and not touching your hair until it sets. The next morning, you might be able to shake and go…if you slept correctly and didn’t mess up your curls….
3. I can get straight hair whenever I want!
Hahahaha! One of the biggest pet peeves for some naturals is how long it takes to straighten our hair. When I first straightened my hair, it took at least 4 hours. I have cut that time down to 1 1/2 hrs. but, it still takes longer than I would like and because of that I don’t straighten often.
Now, I don’t say these things to discourage anyone from going natural or to make being natural out to be some horrible experience. I say all of this to point out that straight, curly, kinky, relaxed, natural, whatever hair has it’s ups and downs. Yes, some days I give the relaxer box a loving glance.
We all have hair frustrations and natural hair is not exempt to this. Just dust it off and keep pushing.
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