Natural Hair News
Although natural, I occasionally flat iron my hair. Before taking on this challenge. I did some research on how to avoid getting heat damage, breakage and split ends. Moreover, I did a henna treatment on my hair (post about that coming soon). With the Henna treatment, I discovered that I needed to moisturize my hair […]
The post Heat Damage: How I Straighten My Hair To Prevent Heat Damage first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Sometimes too much knowledge can get over whelming and confusing. This is something that seems to be occurring in the haircare community. As many of us learn how to take better care of our hair we look to forums, youtube, and blogs. There is a ton of haircare knowledge sweeping the web and just recently, […]
The post KISS. Keep It Simple Haircare Tips!! first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Making Whipped Shea Butter isn’t always as easy as 1,2,3. To understand how to formulate your own recipes, you need to decide how your are going to be using the Whipped Shea Butter. You will also need to have a basic understanding of how certain carrier oils work. What is Whipped Butter? Whipped Butters are […]
The post Formulating a Recipe: How to Make Whipped Shea Butter for Hair first appeared on Demetrion Jessica Mousseau via As curlies, we all know how important it is to choose hair products for the right hair types. But there are two other factors just as important that will help our hair get the best care it can: hair porosity and density. Before we get into how to do the […]
The post Hair Porosity- What Is It and How Does It Affect Your Hair Regimen? (Read Time 2:min) first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Ayurvedic powders have been used for centuries to help maintain healthy hair. When using these powders and/or herbs figuring out the best way to incorporate them into your regimen can be a challenge. Some make the herbs into a paste and use it as a deep conditioner, some add the herbs to shampoos or make […]
The post How To: Make an Herbal Leave-In first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Shampoo. This one word has caused so much controversy within the natural hair care community. Sulfates? Silicones? Soap? Suds? What does all of this have to do with shampooing and achieving a clean scalp and sleek hair? First, we’ll talk about sulfates. What are sulfates? More precisely, what is sodium laureth (or lauryl) sulfate? It […]
The post Is it Ever Okay to use a Shampoo With Sulfates? first appeared on Demetrion Ware.There is one basic rule to achieving longer, healthier hair and that is to “Keep It Simple!”. All of the women I have seen that have longer hair (I’m talking about waist-length and beyond) have simple regimens. Having a simple regimen doesn’t mean you can’t be a product junkie or that you have to keep your […]
The post Hair Care: #1 Rule for Longer, Healthier Hair (Read Time 1:min) first appeared on Demetrion Ware.When it comes to hair and water, the two go together like cereal and milk. Just as milk adds moisture to dry cereal. Water adds moisture to dry hair. But, water alone is not enough to moisturize dry hair. On its own, water is not a moisturizer. Take a moment to think on that… This […]
The post Oil and water do not mix, But Black Hair “LOVES” them together… Here’s why; Don’t be dry! first appeared on Demetrion Ware.I’ve recently gotten my natural hair blown out and straightened at a Dominican salon. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about heat damage and the amount of heat used and the effect it may have on my natural hair. I just want clarify, I did not get a Dominican blowout. A Dominican blowout is where they use […]
The post Worried About Heat Damage? first appeared on Demetrion Ware.What’s your hair texture 4b, 4c, 3b or whatever? It doen’t matter. Regardless of your hair texture, if you are like most naturalistas, you are most likely plagued with tangled hair. Most of us are not exempted from the dread tangles. But, did you know there are techniques you can use to help reduce those […]
The post How To Wash Natural Hair To Prevent Tangles first appeared on Demetrion Ware.-
What are Conditioners? Hair conditioners are applied after shampooing to restore moisture and protein back into the hair shaft. Although, unless a conditioner contains small enough compounds or humectants, very little of it will actually enter into the hair shaft. This is why it is important to read the labels on your conditioner to make sure your not just […]
A problem some may have run into when making whipped Shea butter is grainy Shea butter. Gritty/ grainy Shea butter is Shea butter that has what feels like, little tiny balls mixed into it. The “grit” melts into the skin within seconds but, can be annoying if you’re trying to make a smooth and creamy mixture. […]
The post DIY: How to get Smooth Whipped Shea Butter When It’s Grainy first appeared on Demetrion Ware.