Natural Hair News
We talk a lot about using unrefined shea butter, but what exactly are the benefits of unrefined shea butter? Unrefined Shea Butter contains vitamins A, E, and F. Vitamins A and E help to soothe, hydrate, and balance the skin. Vitamin F contains essential fatty acids, and helps protect and revitalize damaged skin and […]
The post Benefits of Shea Butter For Your Hair first appeared on Demetrion Ware.How to Win Those Thinning Edges Back: Tips for Braids and Natural Hairstyles I recently talking to a woman and I have to say she’s my inspiration for this post. The woman had beautiful curls, but I couldn’t help but notice that the edges of her hair. They were so carefully pinned back by braids. […]
The post How to Win Those Thinning Edges Back: Tips for Braids and Natural Hairstyles first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Upon becoming a natural, one of the first rules we all learn is how to “properly” detangle our curls. This rule includes what tools to use, whether to detangle on wet or dry hair and in which direction to detangle the hair. Could some of this information be damaging our natural hair and causing some […]
The post Split Ends and Breakage- Could How You Detangle Be The Problem? first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Techniques Try one or a combination of these techniques to help prevent shrinkage! Shampoo hair in braids: Not only does this help prevent tangles, and make styling a breeze, it also helps prevent shrinkage because your coils are kept in an elongated state while cleansing. For thicker twists, clip roots with metal duckbill clips: […]
The post Steps in Preventing Shrinkage first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Okay let’s face it, there isn’t much you can do with an inch of hair besides wait for it to grow out. This is something that is challenging for a lot of women who “Big Chop” down to a “TWA” or teeny weeny afro. Many are left feeling like “What do I do now!”. Thankfully, […]
The post Styling Short Natural Hair (TWA) first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Although natural, I occasionally flat iron my hair. Before taking on this challenge. I did some research on how to avoid getting heat damage, breakage and split ends. Moreover, I did a henna treatment on my hair (post about that coming soon). With the Henna treatment, I discovered that I needed to moisturize my hair […]
The post Heat Damage: How I Straighten My Hair To Prevent Heat Damage first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Whether your goal is “bra strap” length hair, or growing out your TWA, join me for the healthy hair in 2020 challenge! No matter the state of your hair, you can turn it around by practicing healthy hair care techniques and keeping an air tight regimen [which sounds harder than it actually is]. Healthy hair […]
The post Natural Hair Growth: Grow Hair to Bra Strap Length- Challenge first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Content from MedicalNewsToday and FEMINA In the world of all things hair, there seems to be a huge discrepancy where eggs are concerned. Those who experience dry damaged hair, tend to look for a way out, the natural remedy of using eggs normally comes to mind.Eggs are commonly known to strengthen the hair, stop breakage, […]
The post Myth Busters- Are Eggs Really Beneficial To Hair Care? first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Sometimes too much knowledge can get over whelming and confusing. This is something that seems to be occurring in the haircare community. As many of us learn how to take better care of our hair we look to forums, youtube, and blogs. There is a ton of haircare knowledge sweeping the web and just recently, […]
The post KISS. Keep It Simple Haircare Tips!! first appeared on Demetrion Ware.I will admit I do get annoyed when someone says “I don’t have time to go natural!” or “I don’t have time to take care of my hair like you!” I’m always like “huh?” You have to MAKE time to take care of yourself. Yes, your hair is a part of yourself. The same way […]
The post Taking Care of Your Hair Doesn’t Have to Take All Day… first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Co-Washing: My Current Natural Hair Regimen with Co-Washing! Trying to figure out what my hair likes with the funky weather and after the henna has been difficult; but, I’ve got it! After doing the henna treatment my hair became very porous. I don’t know exactly how or what the henna did to my hair but, […]
The post Co-Washing: My Current Natural Hair Regimen with Co-Washing! first appeared on Demetrion Ware.When I first started my healthy hair journey, my hair was breaking like crazy. Every time I combed, brushed, or styled my hair, I found tiny little broken hairs on my shirt, bathroom counter, and floor. At the time, I tried heavy protein treatments. The protein treatments caused even more shedding. Moreover, the hair creams […]
The post Natural Hair Herbs You Must Try first appeared on Demetrion Ware.We’ve all done it; take the advice of friends or parents, who think they know what’s best for our natural hair. Though the passing on of information can be “beneficial”, I thought it necessary to put to rest some natural hair myths and legends. I am not here to trash anyone, but it appears that our parents and […]
The post Biggest Hair Care Myths for Natural Hair Types first appeared on Demetrion Ware.