Natural Hair News
I was on Etsy looking at different lotion ingredients. I was shocked at how many stores did not use an adequate preservative in their water-based lotions and creams! Not using the proper preservative in a product that contains water or a perishable ingredient (such as aloe vera juice) is a breeding ground for mold. Studies […]
The post The Truth About Preservatives in Hair Products first appeared on Demetrion Ware.It seems like everyone (including this natural hair sister right here) is looking for the next big thing that will help them maximize their hair growth. Growing your mane doesn’t have to be hard but adopting a hair regimen that varies from the typical may be worth a try. Ayurveda haircare might be the thing […]
The post Get Faster Hair Growth: Use Ayurveda to Maximize Your Hair Growth first appeared on Demetrion Ware.There is a trend on YouTube where folks are making videos called “Stuff I Don’t Like,” where they talk about pet peeves and other things that aggravate them. I thought it would be fun to do a blog version about what else?! Hair! Remember this is all in fun and if you have a blog, you can […]
The post Stuff I Don’t Like: The Hair Edition first appeared on Demetrion Ware.I’m just going to lay it out for you all, a lot of the information in the natural hair community can be questionable and have you walking in circles with your hair. Often when you’re newly natural, it can be hard to know what is meat and what is bones. Here are 5 haircare mistakes […]
The post 5 Hair Care Mistakes Most Naturals Make first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Creating a haircare regimen can be an exciting as well as a daunting task. We all know that having a great haircare regimen and sticking with it is one of the key factors to retaining length. Here are 5 tips you can use to create your haircare regimen: 1. Start simple. Don’t add a lot […]
The post 5 Steps to a Simple Haircare Regimen first appeared on Demetrion Ware.About the Denman Brush You know you have gotten that feeling when you were first introduced to the Denman Brush. Those white bristles; the several rows of Denman brush teeth. It’s quite a terrifying site when natural hair sisters think about it. I know for certain that my initial thought was that my poor ends […]
The post Denman Brush at the Center of Controversy first appeared on Demetrion Ware.So, with my baby being 4 months old, I’ve hit, ran full smack into natural hair postpartum shedding. Ugh! For those who may not know, after you have a baby most women go through postpartum shedding. This is when your natural hair comes… no FALLS, out. I’m not trying to scare you…it’s really that bad. My natural hair is […]
The post 3 Tips To Help You Deal With Postpartum Shedding first appeared on Demetrion Ware.For many women the decision to rock their natural hair can come with much anxiety and fear. After wearing straight hair or weaves majority of our lives, the sense of uncertainty that comes with going natural is actually understandable and quite natural. Going natural isn’t just a physical change but, a mental one as well. […]
The post Going Natural: The Mental Aspect of Natural Hair first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Are you in a natural hair rut? Are you having trouble trying to style your natural hair? Sometimes it gets that way. Here are 7 natural hairstyles and tutorials that can help you get out of that rut. Natural Hairstyle 1: Very cute protective style! Great for spicing up a plain ol’ bun! Natural Hair […]
The post Natural Hair Styles:7 Cute & Simple Natural Hair Styles first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Our naturally coily, curly, and kinky hair requires much maintenance. Moisture is the number 1 recommendation. Regular, gentle brushing and detangling come at number two. Some would also be tempted to say trimming the ends is just as important as moisturization. But, we will put that off for another time. We all have something in […]
The post 3 Things Your Naturally Kinky, Coily, Curly Hair Cannot Live Without first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Question: My hair is dry and my scalp is dry and flaky. My hair is damaged. I don’t know what to do. It doesn’t grow at all. Should I use a combination of oils with the shea butter or should I specifically use one type of oil? I used vitamin E oil and it did […]
The post Q&A: Dry Scalp Solutions first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Do you sometimes find yourself searching for the newest and hottest trend in natural hair care tips? This phenomenon is often inspired by seeing other Naturalistas achieving maximum growth and length while you are still struggling to achieve bra strap length. This is not to say we will try all of the natural hair care […]
The post Mid-Length Hair Care Tips for Longer, Stronger & Healthy Hair first appeared on Demetrion Ware.Over on CurlyNikki they are discussing “The Best Detangling Tips & Tools”: “Detangling is one of the dreaded tasks that every natural must do if she wishes to properly maintain her hair but let’s face it- it can be a pain in the posterior. It is a constant battle between getting the tangles out and […]
The post Looking For A Hair Detangler? Check Out These Detangling Tools! first appeared on Demetrion Ware.